Squash Leagues Management System

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Worldsquash.org RULES & REGULATIONS
The guidelines below are to assist the smooth operation of the monthly league competition. Click on the button on the right for the international rules of the games. Players are encouraged to resolve all disputes themselves using these guidelines as a reference. In the event that players cannot come to an agreement, the matter should be referred to the administrator. The administrator's decision is final.

General Guidelines

Q. How many matches am I expected to play each month?

During a match

Q. How many games constitute a match?
Q. What if my opponent and I fail to complete a match?
Q. How are points scored within each game?
Q. Who gets to serve at the start of each new game?
Q. Under what circumstances can a 'stroke' be called during a game?


Q. Who enters the match results?
Q. What system is used to turn match results into points on the scoreboard?
Q. How do I get moved up and down the league divisions?
Q. What if I end up with the same points as someone else in my division?
Q. Oops! The new league positions have been published, but I forgot to enter a result. Is it to late?

Unavailability & Cancellations

Q. I want to play, but my opponent is unavailable. What should I do?
Q. I've injured myself. What's the procedure?
Q. Due to unforseen circumstances, I'm unable to play any more matches this month. Does this mean I will be automatically demoted or dropped next month?
Q. I arranged a match with an opponent, but they cancelled. Can I claim a walkover?
Q. My opponent failed to show up for a match!
Q. What if I don't play any matches in a month?

Q. How many matches am I expected to play each month?
A. Within each specified league period (1 month) each player should endeavour to play every other player within their league division. This typically means playing 3 matches per month, but will on occasions be 2 or 4 matches per month. The more matches you play the more opportunities you have to accumulate points, and more points you have the more likely it is that you will be promoted.

Q. What if I don't play any matches in a month?
A. Your status is automatically changed to 'social', which means you will not be included in the subsequent month's competition. If you can provide good reasons why you should be included despite eplaying no matches, then this information should be provided to the administrator for consideration before month end.

Q. How many games constitute a match?
A. Each match will be decided by the best of 5 games (i.e. the match is complete when the one player has won 3 games). Uncompleted matches may still be entered. see scoring system

Q. What if my opponent and I fail to complete a match?
If a match is uncompleted (i.e. neither player wins 3 games) then 1 point will be awarded per game won and 1 point for playing. Players are encouraged to play again before month at their discretion. related info

Q. Who enters the match results?
A. Results can be entered by members themselves through the Members page of their club. Once a result has been entered (by either player), amendments can only be made by the administrator.

Q. How are points scored within each game?
A. A game is won when the 1st player reaches 9 points. Points can only be won by a serving player. If the points scored within a game reaches 8-8, then the player receiving the serve (i.e. the player who reached 8 points 1st) may decide whether to play to 9 or 10 points.

Q. Who gets to serve at the start of each new game?
A. The winner of each game gets to begin serving the next game. The player to begin serving in the first game is determined by the spin of a racket, toss of a coin, etc.

Q. What system is used to turn match results into points on the scoreboard?
A. 7 points are available per match, awarded as follows :

3 - 07 - 1
3 - 16 - 2
3 - 25 - 3
2 - 03 - 1
2 - 13 - 2
2 - 23 - 3
1 - 02 - 1
1 - 12 - 2

  1. No credit is given for points won within each game - a 9-7 9-7 9-7 victory (3 games to 0) is credited the same as a 9-0 9-0 9-0 victory.
  2. All the above results are valid, 0 - 0 is not.

Q. How do I get moved up and down the league divisions?
A. At the end of each league period, the aim is promote the player with most points in each division, and to relegate the player with the least. However, the membership is expanding rapidly, and so it may not always be possible to apply this system strictly. The bottom line is: the more points a player has accumulated at month-end, the more likely they are to be promoted, and vice-versa. Queries are welcome, but the administrator's decision is final.

Q. What if I end up with the same points as someone else in my division?
A. If, at the end of the month, players within a league division are on the same number of points, positions will be decided by the match results between the players.

Q. I want to play, but my opponent is unavailable. What should I do?
A. Did you wait until the last few days of the month before trying to contact your opponent or have you been trying for weeks? Have you offered your opponent a variety of possible dates/times? In the event that you have made a 'reasonable' effort, and still your opponent is not cooperating for whatever reason (cancellation, unavailability, no show, injury, etc.), then the onus is on the player wanting to play to claim those points according to the various guidelines contained elsewhere on this page. As a general rule, if a player challenges another player 3 times within a league period and the challenged player is unable to play, then the challenger will be awarded a 3-0 walkover (7-0 points). All applications for walkovers should be emailed to your club administrator before month end.

Q. I've injured myself. What's the procedure?
A. In all cases of unavailability to play, please

  1. Get well soon (if you're injured)!
  2. Let your opponents know of your expected period of unavailability by email and by updating the 'availability' section of your personal profile.
  3. Let the administrator know as soon as possible, especially if you will be unavailable to play in the next calender month.
  4. Note that players are entitled to claim a 3-0 walkover (7-0 points) against you in the current month. Claims are not automatic, are at the discretion of the administrator, and must be made before month end.

Q. Due to unforseen circumstances, I'm unable to play any more matches this month. Does this mean I will be automatically demoted or dropped next month?
A. Players unable/unavailable to play their outstanding matches due to circumstance beyond their control should explain their predicament to the administrator as soon as possible, but always before month end. If the player genuinely wishes to be included in the following month's competition, then it will be at the discretion of the administrator whether that player's position is maintained or demoted. related info

Q. I arranged a match with an opponent, but they cancelled. Can I claim a walkover?
A. Rules on cancellation of a pre-arranged match:

Cancellation TimeRuling
The day before or earlierNo penalty will apply to the cancelling player
The same day (but more than 2 hours before start time)The person not cancelling is entitled to claim a 3-2 victory (5-3 points)
Within 2 hours of start timeThe person not cancelling is entitled to claim a 3-1 victory (6-2 points)
No showThe person who showed up is entitled to claim a 3-0 victory, and the player who failed to show up will not receive any points (7-0 points)

  1. Cancellation times are in relation to the pre-arranged court booking time and location.
  2. 'Cancellation' means that the cancelling player has successfully communicated their intention not to attend with their opponent. A sent email notification, unless responded to, is not valid.
  3. 'Entitled to' means that the player who has not cancelled has the automatic right to claim a victory. At their discretion, they may of course choose to re-schedule the match.
  4. A 'No Show' is when a player fails to make an appearance within 15 minutes of the pre-arranged start time.

Q. My opponent failed to show up for a match!
See rules on cancellation

Q. Under what circumstances can a 'stroke' be called during a game?
A. During a match, a stroke should be awarded to player A if :

  • player A cannot play the ball directly to the front wall (i.e. without the ball hitting another wall first) because player B is in the way.
  • player A plays the ball, it hits player B and the ball would have hit the front wall without hitting any other wall first.
  • player A is prevented from playing the ball by player B and would have obviously been able to play a winning shot.

Q. Oops! The new league positions have been published, but I forgot to enter a result. Is it too late?
A. Once the new league positions have been published, the administrator is under no obligation to make retrospective amendments. All information pertinent to league positions must therefore be provided to the administrator before month end.

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